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Writer's pictureKimberlyAnn DiCredico

Allow Me To Re-introduce Myself

Allow me to re-introduce myself…(if you didn’t immediately think of Jay-Z, I am shocked and saddened by the world)

My Name is Kimberly, yes, Kimberly. You may not call me Kim, but thanks for asking!

I am a Licensed hair stylist, which was my first career. I keep my license up and still love learning how the industry is evolving. Just happy not to be standing behind the chair anymore. A massive career change came with obstacles and lessons I am still learning, and I’ll share more about this.

I have educated other stylists across the country for a Global product brand. (Still brand loyal here, Eufora products only!) I naturally loved public speaking; this role allowed me to master it while helping others grow in their stylist career. Sorry corporate America Hair stylist conferences are way more fun, and the style is way better than company meetings and happy hours. You’ll see me rave about products from time to time… only things I believe in, with ingredients we can understand.

I have run 20, maybe more lost count, half marathons. I ran 1, and there will only ever be one, full marathon. Once I finished my first half, I realized I could do big things! However, a full marathon is ridiculously time-consuming; I was always in pain and hungry. I’m going out with my 3:48 marathon PR and enjoying that I am in the 1% of those who completed one. Never, ever, ever to do so again. I’m BIG into fitness but have learned to balance different activities and a solid mental relationship with food and fitness… We’ll talk about this more; I promise it’s a natural topic for me.

I was officially diagnosed with Dyslexic and ADHD at 11. I was under the impression school wasn’t for me, so I gave up, which caused me to give up on many things throughout my grade school years. I graduated Highschool with a 1.8; maybe it was lower unsure, GPA, and in the bottom 20% of my class. Pretty sure the only kids who came drunk and high to school were below me... also pretty sure every teacher thought I was on the same path as those drunk and high kids. I can’t say I blame them. Since these learning disabilities started being diagnosed as recently as the 1980s…we got a lot of work to do together to succeed with them.

I went to school for my Bachelor’s degree in Business from ages 25-30. I had a full-time job for the majority of my years attending college....I didn’t let my past define my future as I Graduated with a 3.98 GPA...and got one of those fancy sashes; if you knew me then, you knew I wanted one of those fancy sashes so damn bad that when I received it, I ran around Downtown Boston waving it in the air and dancing with it. Yes, there are photos. I was never supposed to graduate High School let alone finish in the top 5% of my college class and get one of the honors sashes... I was in my ‘I’ll f*cking show you’ moment. I want this moment for everyone told: “you can’t.”

I have anxiety and depression; sometimes, they even team up and decide to screw with me. I have spent years in therapy... About 15+ years of working through this and other lessons thrown at me…..For the love of God, I AM STRONG ENOUGH! No more lessons, PLEASE!

I’m the oldest of 3 girls, and let’s say my house wasn’t and never will be quiet. We are all educated and opinionated, and you shouldn’t cross us because we all got the gift from our Mother of being able to tell you to go to hell, and you’ll look forward to the trip.

I watched two people close to me die of addiction, one being my Father. I can never say I am thankful for these experiences; there is no silver lining in death, but I am glad I knew when to walk away and take care of myself. I think addiction is the symptom; mental health is the disease. I feel firmly there is a lack of support for those with addiction, but even less for those traumatized by those suffering from addiction. I share a lot and will share more for those who have been or are in those situations.

I work for the #1 global digital resilience solution to build workforce well-being and performance. I combine learning and growing in the tech industry with my personal and mental growth. While start-ups can be chaotic and stressful...I enjoy something about my days being different and slightly messy and working on a team that genuinely cares about the outcome of their work. I have the “we will figure it out” gene, and I say it often at work and then…I figure it the F*ck out…I often stress about my career and financial success, and I don’t see that stopping any time soon, so we’ll handle the career roller coaster together.

I say F*ck a lot. It’s an intensifier, adjective, and a way to throw a little pepper into a sentence for me. With my recent move down to Macon, Ga… this has proven to be a learning curve, among MANY other Masshole things being totally out of the norm down here…Masshole down south TikTok series is coming soon. Follow @servingitstraight on IG and don’t want to miss it.

My boyfriend and I adopted a ~3.5-year-old Rott/Coon Hound mix named Ace. While I never imagined, I would adopt an older dog... he was too adorable to walk away from and needed an active and structured home like ours. We have learned A LOT in a month, and adopting an older dog who has been abused is much more complex than we thought. You'll learn what we learn, as these pups NEED a loving home and safe environment. Encourage you to take this challenge instead of wasting dating projects. This is way more rewarding.

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